Getting to know the internet
Some by of us have ended up with jobs and some other lucrative place to visit by simply having a browse through the internet. I would not be wrong to have a thought that even you as one of the frequent user of the internet, have came across of something you did not expect but it is of mach higher value to you. This is what the so called World Wide Web is all about. We are supposed to have a positive use of the internet rather than take the whole day as many do only to get nothing or even get more destructive information. Internet can be very funny at times and it calls for some diplomatic approach if you never knew. If you are wondering why you I am talking of the internet being funny then try typing any word for instance, Funk Alarmanlage, or Ueberwachungskamera. You will automatically get a list of possible answers to your search. I recall typing this phrase Funk Alarmanlagen, what I got surely amazed me. It is that simple, although I am not selling the idea of going out there and sits in front of any internet connected computer or any other interned enable gadget only to start typesetting any word and letter that comes into your mind.
Among the most informative ways of researching is having this very internet besides you as you go through every site and getting what you want for your research and to maximize its competence. As much as this is viable, it might come accompanied by lots of non informative and at times, totally misleading information. Now this tells you how internet can be a good servant and at the same time become the bad master. For children, I would personally advocate for an extreme filter or even a total ban. We all know the sorts of nude, erotic and very misleading information that you are bound to get from the net.
These are menace whenever leaked to children. And to any person who takes the advantage of children and what they think is a supposed privacy risks being jailed for years and years lest you not be found guilty, of which I am very sure is impossible. To avoid these funny or rather sticky situations, you will have to make a choice. Either bar the young ones from these sites or have then uses the internet for a particular moment and duration when you are around. Another way that most have preferred using is having a password or a secret code to accessing dangerous sites. It can be a series of letters and words or even a name that you personally know, and sure of that no children will have it in mind just to find their way into your device.